Need a temp mail? We're here for you!
...choose an e-mail address, or have a random one generated for you at the touch of a button!
What are disposable email addresses and what use do they have?
The explanation
Who doesn't know the problem: The personal email inbox is opened and once again there are numerous emails that are spam, which are (What is spam anyway?) in the inbox that have to be laboriously deleted. However, this problem can be put to an end with a disposable e-mail address.
Disposable email addresses or trash mail or fake email addresses are becoming increasingly popular and are always used when one wants to protect one's private email address from messages from unknown and dubious providers. Often, registration with department stores, various communities, free recipe sites, raffles and many other Internet sites are connected with the disclosure of an email address.
Depending on what kind of provider you choose, it's possible sometimes that a short time after registration, the inbox is almost overflowing with unwanted newsletters and heaps of spam mails. No wonder, because a lucrative business is often made with our email addresses by reselling them to be used for advertising purposes.
To avoid this, you can choose a disposable email address and use it whenever you are unsure about the confidentiality of a provider who requires you to enter your email address, or simply want to avoid annoying junk mail.

Is it right for me?
The use case
Disposable addresses are intended for use in a private environment and can only be used temporarily. This means that the e-mails in the mailbox are automatically deleted after a short time. The mode of operation of a temporary e-mail box is similar to that of a conventional, permanent address. Accordingly, e-mails can be received, read and printed out without having to fear a wave of spam.
The duration of storage of received emails varies from provider to provider and varies from a few hours to several weeks. With us, emails are automatically deleted after 3 days and can be deleted by the user at any time before the three days have expired. If the disposable email address is no longer needed, it can simply be forgotten.
So is Müllmail the same as a „10minutemail“?
Yes, it is, but without any time limits! While most so-called 10 minute mail (another term for rubbish mail) services revoke your access to the email after just 10 minutes or you have to extend it manually. With us, you can check your email at any time without a 10 minute limit and simply use a new email as soon as you feel like it.
I don't have all day, give me the summary please!
In summary, it can be said that the use of disposable email addresses is always advisable if you want to register on a website without giving your personal email address, in order to protect yourself from annoying spam emails.
Especially if you already know in advance that you will not use the respective website in the future because you have registered either out of pure curiosity or for a short-term purpose, it is advisable to use a disposable email address. This may be the case, for example, to enter a competition, to receive certain information once or to download an app or game. The desired temporary address can be used in seconds and protects your personal inbox from annoying spam mails whose content does not interest you or whose originator is unknown or untrustworthy. If the disposable email address you entered is not accepted during registration, simply try again with a different domain or email extension and protect your personal email inbox from spam in the long term.